Volume Graphics Version 3.3: Now Available

Dienstag, 09.07.2019
Version 3.3: Now Available
Version 3.3 of VGSTUDIO MAX, VGSTUDIO, VGMETROLOGY, VGinLINE, and myVGL is now available for download. In version 3.3, you benefit from these new capabilities:
- A refined user interface and enhanced performance for better visibility and more responsiveness
- A new mode of the locally adaptive surface determination that makes it possible to simultaneously determine the surfaces of each material within a volume in one go
- The native support for data export in Q-DAS format to seamlessly use and store measurement and analysis results in quality management software
- A new optical character recognition (OCR) to read out text in CT scans, store this information in the meta information, and automate inspection processes based on the recognized text
- A new Volume Meshing Module that creates accurate and high-quality tetrahedral volume meshes from CT scans for use in mechanical, fluid, thermal, electrical, and other FEM simulations in third party software